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A thriving community

1,830 students and counting

"Course materials were good, the mentoring approach was excellent. The instructors did a good job of communicating and making it a more intimate arrangement. A lot of online courses fail because of the isolation, unlike eSchoolM. I definitely learned a lot."
 "Taking online classes here at eSchoolM has been a major benefit to me. The courses are well laid out and the instructors are supportive and responsible in returning emails. Thanks eSchoolM for allowing me to have a flexible schedule while developing my business."
"I received my certificate, and I would like to thank eShoolM for their continuous support. The courses were challenging, but my instructors were always there supporting me and ready to help. I enjoyed the classes tremendously. I look forward to taking another class with eSchoolM."
Josh Stobbard

Frequently asked questions

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

With us you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable professionals in the field. We are intricately involved with education across the U.S. Our students regularly participate in local, state-wide, and national workshops and festivals.

What courses will I take?

All music majors take a group of the basic classes including general theory, basic training, world history, and latest technologies, and industry specific lessons. You will also take private lessons with an applied instructor.

How can I choose my courses?

We offer a number of different learning paths, which you are invited to read and choose the one that better meets your needs. However if you need any advice or clarifications, we are at your disposal at any time.

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Med vašo interakcijo s tem spletnim mestom se piškotki uporabljajo za shranjevanje podatkov, ki ste jih vnesli, ali vaših odločitev (na primer vašega uporabniškega imena ali nastavitev za prilagajanje vašega računa). Te nastavitve se zapomnijo z uporabo trajnih piškotkov in ko jih boste naslednjič uporabili na spletnem mestu, vam jih ne bo treba znova nastaviti.


Ti piškotki sledijo informacijam o obiskih tega spletnega mesta, tako da lahko izboljšamo in poročamo o svoji uspešnosti. Na primer: analizirajte vedenje uporabnikov, da zagotovite dodatno funkcionalnost ali izboljšate vsebino tečaja. Ti piškotki zbirajo informacije o tem, kako obiskovalci uporabljajo spletno mesto, s katerega spletnega mesta ali strani so prišli, o številu obiskov in o tem, kako dolgo uporabnik ostane na spletnem mestu.


Ti piškotki se uporabljajo za dostavo oglaševalskih materialov, ki so pomembni za vas in vaše interese. Uporabljajo se tudi za omejevanje števila ogledov oglasa in pomoč pri merjenju učinkovitosti kampanj. Običajno jih postavljajo oglaševalske mreže, s katerimi sodelujemo z našim dovoljenjem. Zapomnijo si, da ste obiskali spletno mesto in te informacije delijo z drugimi organizacijami, kot so oglaševalci.