Marketinške kompetence

Ključna marketinška znanja in kompetence, ki jih potrebuje marketingaš. Pokrivamo različna področja marketinga in poleg operativnih kompetenc ponujamo tudi širša znanja o vlogi marketinga v podjetju in družbi ter nenehno skrbimo za razvoj naše stroke v Sloveniji.
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Marketinške strategije
Kaj vse pokriva marketing, kako mu zagotoviti strateško mesto v podjetju in kaj vse so njegove odgovornosti?
Celostna izkušnja uporabnika
Kako zagotoviti izvrstno izkušnjo uporabnika na vseh stičnih točkah z našo blagovno znamko?
Produktni management
Kako lahko marketing pomaga razvoju, da ta razvije in na trg dostavi točno tisto, kar želi in pričakuje uporabnik?
Kompetence na področju gradnje blagovne znamke in njenem razvoju ter rasti.
Write your awesome label here.

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What our learners say

The school has everything that I need for successful study: textbooks, daily assignments, planner, notebooks, music sheets, a staff who are very skilled and experienced, and ready to help at any time.
Jenna White
I am most grateful that my son's art teacher not only makes learning fun and shares his knowledge, but his passion for art as well. I could not have found a better place for him to learn about art.
Walter Gomez